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✨ Attribute Management changes to Users

Call management endpoints on behalf of a user. (Useful when connecting proxy to your development platform).

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1. Switch on audit Logs

Add store_audit_logs to your litellm config.yaml and then start the proxy

  store_audit_logs: true

2. Set LiteLLM-Changed-By in request headers

Set the 'user_id' in request headers, when calling a management endpoint. View Full List.

  • Update Team budget with master key.
  • Attribute change to ''.

👉 Key change: Passing -H 'LiteLLM-Changed-By:'

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' \
    -H 'LiteLLM-Changed-By:' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "team_id" : "8bf18b11-7f52-4717-8e1f-7c65f9d01e52",
        "max_budget": 2000

3. Emitted Audit Log

   "id": "bd136c28-edd0-4cb6-b963-f35464cf6f5a",
   "updated_at": "2024-06-08 23:41:14.793",
   "changed_by": "", # 👈 CHANGED BY
   "changed_by_api_key": "88dc28d0f030c55ed4ab77ed8faf098196cb1c05df778539800c9f1243fe6b4b",
   "action": "updated",
   "table_name": "LiteLLM_TeamTable",
   "object_id": "8bf18b11-7f52-4717-8e1f-7c65f9d01e52",
   "before_value": {
     "spend": 0,
     "max_budget": 0,
   "updated_values": {
     "team_id": "8bf18b11-7f52-4717-8e1f-7c65f9d01e52",
     "max_budget": 2000 # 👈 CHANGED TO

API SPEC of Audit Log


  • Type: String
  • Description: This is the unique identifier for each audit log entry. It is automatically generated as a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) by default.


  • Type: DateTime
  • Description: This field stores the timestamp of when the audit log entry was created or updated. It is automatically set to the current date and time by default.


  • Type: String
  • Description: The user_id that performed the audited action. If LiteLLM-Changed-By Header is passed then changed_by=<value passed for LiteLLM-Changed-By header>


  • Type: String
  • Description: This field stores the hashed API key that was used to perform the audited action. If left blank, it defaults to an empty string.


  • Type: String
  • Description: The type of action that was performed. One of "create", "update", or "delete".


  • Type: String
  • Description: This field stores the name of the table that was affected by the audited action. It can be one of the following values: LiteLLM_TeamTable, LiteLLM_UserTable, LiteLLM_VerificationToken


  • Type: String
  • Description: This field stores the ID of the object that was affected by the audited action. It can be the key ID, team ID, user ID


  • Type: Json?
  • Description: This field stores the value of the row before the audited action was performed. It is optional and can be null.


  • Type: Json?
  • Description: This field stores the values of the row that were updated after the audited action was performed