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✨ 📧 Email Notifications

Send an Email to your users when:

  • A Proxy API Key is created for them
  • Their API Key crosses it's Budget
  • All Team members of a LiteLLM Team -> when the team crosses it's budget

Quick Start

Get SMTP credentials to set this up Add the following to your proxy env

SMTP_SENDER_EMAIL=""  # email to send alerts from: ``

Add email to your proxy config.yaml under general_settings

  master_key: sk-1234
  alerting: ["email"]

That's it ! start your proxy

Customizing Email Branding

Customizing Email Branding is an Enterprise Feature Get in touch with us for a Free Trial

LiteLLM allows you to customize the:

  • Logo on the Email
  • Email support contact

Set the following in your env to customize your emails

EMAIL_LOGO_URL=""  # public url to your logo
EMAIL_SUPPORT_CONTACT=""                                    # Your company support email